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Creating meaningful opportunities for artists and innovators in Sacramento and beyond 

“Our greatest joy is when we seek to do good for others”

-Desmond Tutu

Justin WAL Apt.jpg
Artist in Residency Program

The purpose of the Ali Youssefi Project is to give creative innovators access to opportunities that elevate Sacramento. We invest in people, cultivate ideas, and connect communities.

The Ali Youssefi Project was created by his family in 2019 to honor Ali Youssefi after his death. Ali was a proud Sacramentan and dedicated his work to harnessing the power of community and to uplift the city that he loved. It is with Ali’s impactful legacy in mind that AYP started. It’s our way to celebrate his life’s work and continue to build meaningful projects in his name. 

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©2024 by Ali Youssefi Project

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